‘Psychic’ work takes work

Many of us know our consciousness is more expansive than we’ve allowed ourselves to believe.

While I am no scientist, modern science makes interesting connections between matter and energy. Energy moves or is moved like a wave, and makes our reality what it is. We all vibrate, which is why woo folks talk of ‘vibrating’ on a ‘higher level’. This language is off putting to me, mostly because it’s often said by those who oversimplify what people have to do to heal and grow. Sometimes, they’re in a state where they can’t truly claim to be ‘vibrating’ higher. It seems like something anyone who was really vibrating that high wouldn’t say. I don’t have to be vibrating at any particular speed to know that.

And yet, thinking of our bodies as gorgeous tapestries of energy, vibrating musically through space, also makes me feel at ease. My pea-brain accepts this on a fundamental level, without needing to become a physicist, neuroscientist, or quantum expert.

To better understand how energy works, I have been reading as much as I can from scientists, though, because even if I don’t get what’s going on to the T, I’m thrilled to view the magic of the unseen in science. I am also drawn to use meditative techniques from a variety of influences, of which I am still learning: Reiki, Transcendental Meditation, Energetic Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Buddhist traditions etc… to heal, clear, channel messages from loving energies, and to harness my clairsenses for the benefit of the people around me. I know, all this jargon is a lot. But if you stick around to see what I share, I can at least tell you where I am in the process.

Energy work is very real and can be tracked by evidence. Certainly not as easily as other healing modalities. But previously inexplicable magic is happening, and the greatest evidence of all is the real impact energy work has on individual and collective lives. Just read on the impact of Transcendental Meditation in schools, and how greatly just a few minutes of meditation a day can change outcomes.

In every medium session, I am amazed by the loved ones who come through with their personalities very much still present, to show living relatives that they are still here, a part of our existence. Not every experience is what you expect, crystal clear, earth shattering and moves mountains, but love is always there trying to make itself known.

I used to watch talk shows religiously as a kid, and was so very fascinated by psychics. Subconsciously, I must have knew that’s where I was headed. But back then, I used to spend just as much time believing what I was seeing as being sure they must have had staff staged in the audience, or someone whispering answers into their ear after secretly Googling family records. Well oh boy, now I know that is not what was going on at all.

This isn’t to deny the harm that is found in spiritual communities, I want to be clear about that.

But if something intuitively makes sense, which much energy work does, then I will follow it with the same pragmatism which brings me in and out of various philosophies of thought, religious frameworks, spiritual systems. There is always room for interpretation and perspective. Because of my background growing up very indoctrinated, I am careful.

If I am made of energy and this is something science agrees on, but if I can’t always see it or feel it (I sometimes do though), what are the ways I can validate that the energy is there? It is through my intuition, experiential learning, and studying systems developed by many others who are much further along in their respective fields than I.

I am learning from many teachers, absorbing, integrating lessons, reading the work of ancient and modern spiritual texts, maintaining loving relationships/community, creating through poetry and other art forms, healing through therapy, breath work, and exercise/movement. Blah blah blah, yes I am a little tired!

This ‘psychic’ work takes work. The word has baggage, but then again, so do I. Some intuitives, mediums, energy workers, healers and teachers avoid the word ‘psychic’ because of all the fear or suspicion it can bring up in people. But all ‘psychic’ means to me is that I am connecting to the unseen. Do I think every person can do it? Theoretically. But in reality, most will not and that’s OK. I am fascinated by how studying the human brain will give us further insights into consciousness, psychic energetic information, and the ‘why’ any of this happens. Until then, perhaps you are curious about working with a person in this field.

Just like with any other occupation, you want to choose who you work with very carefully, and need to be able to trust them to be moral according to your standards, staying up to date with their learning and ways of being, that they are integrating lessons in culturally appropriate ways, and that they are ultimately there to help you. You have to also be doing your own healing work.

I am not ‘healed’ and I do not claim to be a ‘shaman’. I do not claim to be an expert on mental health, bodily health, childhood trauma, nor do I have insight into cultural traditions of specific groups of which I have no claim. Because I am a Korean-American who was raised Christian (Jehovah’s Witness), I have grown up much like many of you, disconnected from the traditions and lineage which may have informed my spirituality through ancestry. I would love to learn more about Korean shamanism and integrate this work into my practice, but it is a closed practice for a reason, with very specific ways of being and induction that must be done with other Korean shamans.

Currently, I am more drawn to learning across philosophies and traditions, while consciously avoiding the New Age soup which tends to thrive under white supremacy and capitalist heteropatriarchy. This is the most annoying thing about energy work. While ultimately yes, we are all human beings made of stars, people need to get a handle on why they are on earth in these bodies now, before jumping straight to the ‘I don’t see color’ attitude of some people in energy work.

While not conforming to any one ideology, I am trying my best to honor meaningful traditions, keep lived experience top of mind, and deepen my learning in authentic ways. I am learning how to be myself while knowing I belong to no one, and to no thing.


How do I receive psychic messages?


Intuitive Work: How did I get here?